Image: Precision deburring using Crystal Mark micro abrasive processing technology – Examples
Image: Precision deburring using Crystal Mark micro abrasive processing technology – Examples
Since 1969, the Crystal Mark team has helped customers in a couple of ways – setting up micro sandblaster deburring equipment and accessories or carrying out deburring work for customers in the internal job shop and lab.
With the team’s comprehensive knowledge base and experience, Crystal Mark, Inc. can understand customer’s specific deburring requirements and customize the micro-abrasive blasting process. The team can also clearly explain limitations about what can be done realistically without compromising the repeatable consistency of results.
Crystal Mark’s Burr-Blast K™ is a unique abrasive that has raised the bar for deburring applications’ quality and precision. It exhibits the unique ability to remove just the burrs without deforming the target parts made from alloys such as stainless steel, tool steels, titanium, and nitinol. This is a significant advantage over other abrasives such as glass beads, aluminum oxide, or silicon carbide.
Burr-Blast-K™ is water-soluble and has a unique chemical composition that makes it much more effective for deburring parts that are particularly very small. It is the perfect media for deburring or surface finishing medical devices used, for example, for knee and spinal surgeries, stents, etc., that go in the body arthroscopically.
Images below show surface finishing for the back implant disk developed by CTL Amedica, Addison, TX. This implant is approximately 0.5” x 0.5” x 0.25” in dimensions. The disk’s design has several sharp points and variations in geometries for optimum results when used in the medical procedure.
Back Implant Closeup View – BEFORE
Back Implant Closeup View – AFTER
The customer mentioned that it used to take one trained professional inside the company 30 minutes to deburr one of these disks manually. They had only a person capable of doing that. With Crystal Mark’s technology, they can complete the same task in 1-2 minutes, and it was easy to train several people to deburr using the micro-abrasive processing equipment. The results have very high quality and are consistently repeatable.
The ability to carry out deburring operations without highly skilled labor is a competitive advantage for customers.
The Crystal Mark team works with every customer with a consultative approach. They have the required bandwidth to understand the requirements and develop a customized process to achieve specific objectives.
Customers have the ability to deburr machined plastic parts too. Ask about how to deburr PEEK.
Crystal Mark, Inc. gets referrals from current customers, thanks to outstanding customer support and continuous innovation in technology, products, accessories, and abrasives.